Delving into the Robins past reveals where his extensive
knowledge stems. Having completed an engineering and management
course at Loughborough in the mid sixties. He began working for
a racing company preparing Morgan's, Mustang’s, AC
Cobra’s and Camaro’s for the track.
Working full-time, preparing cars, his racing career had to
start somewhere but on two wheels. Many a lap record was broken
and many a race won. Four years of racing Aermacchi and Yamaha
then saw his passion for V8’s culminate when given the chance to
prepare and race his Martin powered V8 (straight from an F1 of
the day) Escort.
This was the beginning of a long and successful racing career
that saw him take over 100 chequered flags in his Escort V8,
Morgan Plus 8’s and of course the obligatory Camaro. |
For 13
seasons he was putting his driving and turning skills to the
test, setting new lap records all over the country and adding to
his extensive collection of trophies. With all
experience, Robin found himself in demand by various American
car and motor-sport specialists. Whilst managing the renowned
Cliff Davis Cars, in West London, Robin, along with the company
established the A.S.C.A.R. (American Saloon Car Auto
Racing) series.

surprisingly the
A.S.C.A.R series
was dominated by
Robins “road legal” Camaro SS.
The inaugural A.S.C.A.R. Championship trophy was lifted in 1980
with seven wins out of the 12 races of that season.
Although Robin "retired"
from the sport in 1980,
watch the events and media page for a possible return to the
sport in 2004 |
worked for a number of companies in the early 80s but after
breaking a Trans-Ams and selling the parts, it occurred to Robin
that there were no specialists serving this niche market. What’s
more, the cars had seen a recent resurgence in popularity, all
thanks to the films and TV shows, such as Smokie and the
Bandit and Knight Rider.
1985 Autopontiac was born.
From the early
days business was good, for example the company completely
rebuilt 15 V8 engines in 1989 alone. Over the years the nature
of their work expanded but rebuilds still play an important part
of their business today.
Robin says “Unlike the Chevy 350, few people are clued up on the
Pontiac 400. It is a very different engine and needs to
be |
treated in a particular way. Whereas the
Chevy unit thrives on high revs, the Pontiac is designed for
torque and shouldn’t be over revved and it’s tuning differs from
its American counterparts, such as Ford & Chevrolet. It’s an
amazingly capable engine when it’s looked after and has
certainly proved to be a firm favorite with drag racers in the
past. |
When Classic
American paid Autopontiac a visit they had just re-built an
Eighties Camaro engine and well on their way to completing a ’57
Chevy motor too. Customers don’t only pay Autopontiac a visit
when they have problems with their cars, often it’s purely when
they want a bit more oomph ! If it’s more
you want,
then Autopontiac is the place to visit. With Robins racing
knowledge, he is more than capable at extracting that little bit
of extra performance. Along with his exhaust modifications your
car will sound as good as it drives. Choose between a standard,
slight performance or full-blown exhaust and headers option.
Removing the catalytic converter is a regular request for that
extra bit of power. A modification which
usually results in
a lower emission reading than
equivalent aged
European vehicles.
racing history, including 15 years of throwing Camaro and
Pontiacs around Brands Hatch and Castle Coombe, is essential
when asked to alter a vehicles handling characteristics. After
making modifications, a test and tune track day-out will
completely disprove the theory that American cars don’t handle !
Having entered the new millennium, Autopontiac has invested
heavily in U.S. based training and diagnostic equipment to keep
up to date with third generation and later, computer controlled
saw Autopontiac move to it’s current location
: |
Phoenix House
10-12 Hounslow Gardens
Tel:- 020 8894 5930
Autopontiac is:
One Stop
Experience !